Bloomingdale Office

Counseling in Bloomingdale

Michelle Lenz counsels out of our Bloomingdale Office located at 136 W. Lake St. Suite 100, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Our Bloomingdale Office is located on Route 20 just east of Bloomingdale Rd. In addition to Bloomingdale, the office is conveniently located close to Roselle, Glendale Heights, Hanover Park, Bartlett, Carol Stream, Itasca, and Addison. See below for photos and driving directions.

Directions to Our Bloomingdale Office

Coming from U.S. Rt. 20 west, turn right on S. Maple Ave. then a quick right into the business complex. Coming from the east or south, take Schick Rd., turn north on Oak St., right on Maple Ct. and then right into the business complex just before Rt. 20. Enter the 136 Building and look for Suite 100.
136 W. Lake St. Suite 100, Bloomingdale, IL 60108